Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sir Chidester: Letter Two

My dear Thomisina (who always smelled of peppermint sticks):

Yesterday I left you in suspense, gazing at the bad watch Mr. Charlatown made with my money. Of course you will have noticed that this watch has no hands! Who wants a watch that doesn't tell time? Truly, Thomisina, what good is it?

I was so terribly upset, thinking of the sneaky way Mr. Charlatown took all my money, that I had to stop writing immediately and stomp my noble boots into the grass. Even a noble Duke, Lord, Count, etc., has his moments of frustration, Thomisina, though I try to be as patient and gentle as possible.

I was so sad, thinking of Gumberry Castle, that I had to console myself with a scalding cup of tea. Since I lost my pennies, I have started making dandelion tea, which after all is not so bad. The trick is to pick the dandelions before they get white and fluffy. Chop them small, add boiling water--and presto! Ludwig the Noble Bird refuses to drink anything but Earl Grey, but she will come around. I hope. She is still rather upset about how I lost all our money to that naughty Mr. Charlatown.

But where were we?

Ah, yes. I had lost every last cent. Lady Limabeard bought Gumberry Castle, and I packed my royal suitcase.

The Royal Gumberry Cat refused to come with me. She meowed loudly when I invited her to come on my adventures. She is a lazy cat.

I wanted to take along some Gumberry biscuits for a picnic, but Mr. Charlatown had eaten every last one!

So here is what I took with me:

My royal Sir Chidester teacup, of course.

A picture of dear Gumberry Castle, to remind me that I must find my fortune so I can one day return.

I took along my spiffy suitcase, packed with an extra set of clothes in case it rains while we are adventuring. And of course accompanying me was my faithful friend, Ludwig the Noble.

I shed many tears as I stepped down the stairs of Gumberry Castle.

So long! Adieu! I called. Hasta la vista! Kwaheri! Toodle-pip!

At first I didn't know where to go, but Ludwig chirped in a southeasterly direction, so we followed the path in that direction.

What will we find? Who will we meet? How will we earn enough pennies so we can buy back Gumberry Castle?

And what in the world will we eat for our teatime now that all the gumdrops are gone?

But for the present I remain your handsome and adventurous,

Sir Chidester the Gumberry

P.S. Dear Thomisina Basilina, I am enclosing a small token of my love for you: a picture of myself and Ludwig when we first embarked on our adventures. I hope, when you see it, you will utter good wishes for your handsome Chidester. Adieu for now!

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